26oct18:30:s22:30:s[男子限定 GENTLEMEN ONLY] 貓樓上。男子限定沙龍 MEN IN ROPES一個繩縛愛好者、新手聚會與練習的地方- 注意本日活動為男性限定!A place for rope lovers. This event is limited to men

Event Details

這是一個繩縛練習場!若您首次參加本活動, 我們會做簡單場地介紹與繩縛基本注意事項說明。我們歡迎聊天與休息放空,但請在綁繩當事人周遭降低音量。活動現場會準備簡易茶點與飲料,也歡迎您帶零食來分。另外也不定時販售麻繩、低溫蠟燭、繩縛書籍。

What’s a Rope Salon?

We practice Shibari (rope bondage) here. If this is your first participation, we offer an event introduction and basic Shibari knowledge. Besides shibari, leisure activities and chatting are welcomed. However, it is advised to keep your voice down when people around you are tying. We have some tea and snacks, and you are welcome to bring your favorite Sunday treats too. We have ropes, candles, and shibari-related books for sale too.

報名 & 入場原則

– 報名成功並獲得確認信者,始得入場。
– 確認信,內有詳細地址及活動事項。
– 如會晚到或欲取消,請通知主辦單位。
– 不可代他人報名,參加者每人皆需自行報名。


– 地點:近捷運民權西路站/圓山站。確切地址請參照確認信內容。
– 歡迎各路人士參加,此活動僅限男性。
– 所有參加人士均需獲得同等尊重,包括個人界線及知情同意原則。
– 在尊重所有其他參加人士的前提下,您享有自由、安全的自我表達空間,不受個人認同限制。
– 我們普遍樂於分享,並鼓勵所有人自由交流經驗與想法,但這不是收費教學課程,我們也不負責媒合,請大家溝通保持禮貌、詢問彼此實踐意願,也尊重彼此有拒絕的權利。


– 豐富的懸吊設備。
– 精挑細選的音樂清單、茶點。
– 提供一些公用繩,不過,還是建議您攜帶自己的繩子。


– 無論您是剛接觸繩縛/自縛吊的新朋友或是資深繩手,貓樓上・繩語沙龍都歡迎您!
– 沒有繩縛相關經驗的朋友也很歡迎!
– 如果不想社交的話,也歡迎您在旁觀看!

Registration & Attendance Policy

– A successful registration with the confirmation email is required for attendance.
– A confirmation email comes with our address and detailed event information.
– Contact us for any attendance inquiries. Please inform us if you wish to cancel or would arrive late.
– Each participant must fill out their own registration form.

Event Details

– Venue: Within walking distance of MRT Yuanshan Station and MRT Minquan West Road. The exact address will be sent in the confirmation email.
– Open to all, but this event is MEN-ONLY.
– Respect for all participants is paramount, including boundaries and informed consent.
– No matter how you identify yourself, you can speak and present yourself freely and safely here, on the ground that you provide equal respect to all other participants.
– We’re usually happy to share and encourage everyone to exchange ideas and experiences, but this is not a paid class, and we’re not here to pair you up. Be polite when you reach out, ask for consent for practices, and respect each other’s rights to reject anyone.


– Suspension equipment provided.
– Playlist, tea, and snacks available.
– We have a limited stock of ropes; we encourage you to bring your own ropes.

Experience Level

– All levels of rope lovers are welcome.
– No prior experience is necessary.
– You are free to just observe on your own if you do not wish to participate or socialize.



(Saturday) 18:30:s - 22:30:s


