FM弗蕊雅莊園 Nude Day 天體營

07dec(dec 7)14:00:s08(dec 8)12:00:sFM弗蕊雅莊園 Nude Day 天體營Overnight camping

Event Details

### **報名連結** —> [


2024/12/07 Sat. 14:00-22:30,過夜到12/08 Sun. 12:00PM (雨天照常舉行)

雙人 一組 2800元(限定伴侶、情侶、夫妻、主奴)
單人 1500元

雙人 一組 3000元(限定伴侶、情侶、夫妻、主奴)
單人 1600元


開放攜帶五歲(4yrs12mths)以下小孩參加,不另外收費(一組最多攜帶兩個小孩),惟需在報名時事先特別備注。 *場地為室外,非嬰孩友善環境,請善盡家長監護責任。





GET Your Ticket! —> [

This event is a naked activity, and participation requires being nude.

December Activity
Date: 2024/12/07 Sat. 14:00-22:30, overnight until 12/08 Sun. 12:00 PM (Will proceed as scheduled, rain or shine)

Early Bird Tickets (Registration before 10/22)
Couples: 2800 TWD per pair (limited to partners, lovers, couples)
Single: 1500 TWD

Regular Tickets (Registration after 10/23 until full)
Couples: 3000 TWD per pair (limited to partners, lovers, couples)
Single: 1600 TWD

Incentive Measures: Please see the details below (up to 600 TWD discount available).
[Price is the same regardless of whether you camp overnight.]
Costs do not include: Tent, accommodation, lunch, dinner, breakfast, late-night snacks, beverages, lighting, power strips.
Location: Guanxi, Hsinchu. Notification will be sent after successful registration and payment.
The first batch of acceptance notifications will be sent on 10/24.

## Dress Code
This event is a nude activity; please participate nude.
Since it’s winter, if the weather is quite cold, you may wrap yourself in a blanket or comforter, or wear a shawl or cloak for warmth (while remaining nude underneath).
There will also be a campfire in the evening, and everyone is welcome to enjoy themselves around the fire while completely nude.

It is acceptable for women to wear underwear during their period.

## Reward

When you Check-in : (Maximum of two points per person per event. Maximum of couple is 6 points per event- 3 for each. )

2 point reward for performance
1 point reward for sharing public snacks, alcohol, beverages.

1 point = $100, points are for personal use. Can be used for the next registered event.
This event can also use the discount vouchers from previous events.

### Eligibility:
Must be 18 years old or above.
Must be in good physical and mental health and capable of self-discipline.
Must be able to abide by the venue rules.
Space is limited, filling in the form does not represent successful registration, we will conduct manual review, and those who meet the qualifications will be notified. Those who are not successful in registration will not be notified separately.
We do not accept unregistered attendees to enter the venue temporarily.

Consent is mandatory during all interactions and at all times for men, women and all genders. Ask before you touch. Poor behaviour of any kind is not tolerated and will result in ejection from the event and a possible ban from future events.
Absolutely no unwanted, inappropriate or unasked for touching of any kind is permitted without prior, clear and verbal consent given. If you are unsure, ALWAYS ask first. No means no. Maybe means no. Silence means no. Only a clear concise YES means yes. If someone is asking, there is never any shame in saying ‘no thanks’ and moving on. All attendees are expected to be aware of and graciously accept a ‘NO’ statement or vibe. If one is given, move on. Consent can also be revoked at any time, even if a yes was previously given.
See people getting flirty & dirty? That’s between them, and because they got consent with each other first. Never assume you are invited into anyone’s personal or physical space, or that consent between other people includes you, without directly asking for and getting a yes first.
Completely forbid photography, filming, and recording. If you have recording needs, please contact the staff. It is even more forbidden to release content that has been filmed without permission.
Please read the event information carefully and abide by the regulations. Those who violate the rules will be asked to leave the venue depending on the situation, or even be blacklisted.
It is forbidden to bring items that are explicitly prohibited by law, such as guns, cannons, drugs, marijuana. Money transactions are forbidden at the venue.
Fighting is forbidden. DID is allowed. If you get hurt during the interaction, you are responsible for it and it has nothing to do with the venue.
If there are ANY issues (which are extremely rare), if you detect any unwelcome attention being given after clear NO or NOT INTERESTED signals have been given, or if anyone is not following basic common courtesy consent rules, or is conducting unauthorized filming, please alert team staff immediately.



7 (Saturday) 14:00:s - 8 (Sunday) 12:00:s




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