繩課「以繩連結」 Connective Rope with ItsPlay
06may15:00:s15:00:s繩課「以繩連結」 Connective Rope with ItsPlay台北 - 縛生
Event Details
活動名稱: 繩課「以繩連結」 Connective Rope with ItsPlay 活動日期: 2017/05/06 活動時間: 15:00 ~ 17:00 活動內容: # 「以繩連結」 Connective Rope 撫摸、移動、與施壓的靈活使用如何讓我們更能傳達感受與欲求?本課程將講授一些建立聯繫的技巧,讓任何人都能增進協商與溝通的能力。繩是為此目的使用的工具,不僅是玩的一種方式,也可用來和伴侶建立關聯。你可從一長串繁複的日式繩縛技巧中釋放出來 — 本課程將以一系列以「同意」為基礎設計的練習,講授一種和緩隨性、適合各種體型、技術層次的繩縛風格。 本課程須成對練習,建議結伴參加,性別不拘。單獨參加的學員可當場邀請其他學員配對。 Utilizing touch, movement, and pressure, how can we become better at transmitting
Event Details
活動名稱: 繩課「以繩連結」 Connective Rope with ItsPlay
活動日期: 2017/05/06
活動時間: 15:00 ~ 17:00
# 「以繩連結」 Connective Rope
撫摸、移動、與施壓的靈活使用如何讓我們更能傳達感受與欲求?本課程將講授一些建立聯繫的技巧,讓任何人都能增進協商與溝通的能力。繩是為此目的使用的工具,不僅是玩的一種方式,也可用來和伴侶建立關聯。你可從一長串繁複的日式繩縛技巧中釋放出來 — 本課程將以一系列以「同意」為基礎設計的練習,講授一種和緩隨性、適合各種體型、技術層次的繩縛風格。
Utilizing touch, movement, and pressure, how can we become better at transmitting our intentions and feelings? This workshop will focus on connective techniques which strengthen any kinkster’s ability to negotiate and communicate. Rope will be a tool to this end, a way to play and a way to relate to partners. To get away from negotiating a series of intricate Japanese-inspired ties, the aim here is to relax into a rope practice welcoming of all bodies and skill levels through a series of exercises designed around consent.
The workshop will require partners, but you can form informal pairs with other attendees during the event. The workshop will build intimacy, but will not require intimate contact.
# 關於 ItsPlay (About ItsPlay)
美國出生,曾居香港,目前在各地旅遊的女性繩師與學者。一直都有著禁羈的因子,自從參加過一次 Burning Man 活動的美妙經驗後,便投入了禁羈圈子中。ItsPlay從社會文化的脈絡研究禁羈與展演,特別聚焦於緊縛、性別、與女性主義。於倫敦學習繩縛,並以學術與實踐雙軌並行的方式探索此主題,一方面參與活動、進行表演,一方面也發表論文並在學術研討會中講演,希望提升大眾對禁羈與緊縛的了解與認識。
Kinky since forever and heavily involved in the kink scene since a fantastic experience at Burning Man 2012, ItsPlay is proud to facilitate this workshop for SLAP!. ItsPlay researches kink and performance in a sociocultural context, specifically focusing on kinbaku, gender, and feminism. While in London, ItsPlay started learning to tie, and quickly began exploring the subject both academically and practically. Continuing as a theoretical practitioner, ItsPlay has now been tying for over 5 years and has presented papers and talks at academic conferences, hoping to raise the general level of recognition of, and appreciation for, kink, and kinbaku.
# 時間、地點、費用 (Time, Location, and Cost)
* 本課程將舉辦兩個場次 The workshop will be given twice:
– 2017/05/05 (週五 Fri) 7:30pm – 9:30pm
– 2017/05/06 (週六 Sat) 3:00pm – 5:00pm
* 地點:接近民權西路站,報名成功後通知。
Location: close to MRT MinQuan West Road. Details to be given after registration.
* 費用:每人 NTD 300。現場付費。
Cost: NTD 300 for each person. Pay at the door.
* 本課程須成對練習,建議結伴參加,性別不拘。單獨參加的學員可當場邀請其他學員配對。課程中會引導大家建立親密感,但不一定需要親密肢體接觸。
The workshop will require partners, but you can form informal pairs with other attendees during the event. The workshop will build intimacy, but will not require intimate contact.
* 每堂課限12人參加。請儘早報名!
The workshop has a maximum limit of around 12 people. Act quick!
# 報名 Registration
欲報名請填表格 http://goo.gl/H5j4w0 。共同報名的學員填一份即可。
To register, fill in the form http://goo.gl/H5j4w0 . Attendees that come in group need to fill only one form.
活動地點: 近民權西路站,報名後通知
活動地址: 捷運民權西路站
活動網址: http://shibaru.life/2017/04/connective-rope-with-itsplay/
(Saturday) 15:00:s - 15:00:s