Aku Aku rope workshop ~ AkuAku的繩課

05may14:00:s17:30:sAku Aku rope workshop ~ AkuAku的繩課

Event Details

[English Below]
Aku Aku 的繩課 : 情慾與感官體驗

我們很高興邀請到Aku Aku (東京/法國)到訪台灣,並於2018年5月5日(六)在MS 開設一堂繩課。Aku Aku 從2012至2016年在一鬼のこ的一繩會擔任導師,亦曾在東京及法國多個場合演出。

~如有興趣參加繩課,請直接在面書PM Julien Kotobuki / Juju Kotobuki,謝謝!~


地點: MS Studio
費用:台幣800 (二人)

* 備註:參加者必須二人同行(三人也可以),請先自行配對。由於此繩課集中探討兩人之間的情感探索(而不只是分享技巧),我們建議兩者之間有一定的信任,也願意與對方有較親密的接觸。

繩課主題: 繩縛的情慾與感官體驗(エロ縄)

Aku Aku 將會分享如何用繩子跟對方溝通,一同探索繩縛裹的感官、情慾與快感。他也會跟大家分享如何提高速度,好讓兩者在綁時有更多時間連結。

另外,Aku Aku 會出席5月6日的 Juju 繩縛沙龍,希望屆時可以認識圈子的朋友,活動專頁如下:https://www.facebook.com/events/2010090899250080

關於導師Aku Aku:

Aku Au 由2004年開始居住於日本,2007年第一次接觸繩縛。在2009年,他在「音時」(ondoki nawa kyoushitsu)開始學習繩縛,並於2011年正式畢業。他在一鬼のこ的一繩會擔任導師,定期在不同的場合教繩課,包括Sleeping beauty, Kunkun 和MK Studio。另外,他也曾經於東京的酒吧「初心」、KunKun、一繩會以及在法國的Place des Cordes 演出。


Fetlife: https://fetlife.com/users/1220229
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Akubimaruko

This is a rope workshop that will take place Saturday 5th May at MS Studio, by Aku Aku from Tokyo. He’s a former teacher of the Kinoko staff(2012 to 2016).

PLACE: MS studio

PLEASE REGISTER by directly PM Julien Kotobuki or Juju Kotobuki , then I will send you the final confirmation.
* the”Im going” on the event is not enough *

TIME : Saturday afternoon, 2pm to 5:30pm. Doors open at 1:30pm

FEES: 800NTD per couple

CONTENT OF THE CLASS: Ero Nawa(sensual rope)

–>You need to come by pair (trio accepted)<-- Since it is a class about sensuality and connection, and not pure technicality, it is highly advised that you work with womeone you're confortable with sharing intimacy. ABOUT THE TEACHER: In japan from 2004, underground world from 2007 where he discovers rope. Aku aku started to learn at ondoki nawa kyoushitsu in 2009, graduated in 2011, teach from 2012 to 2016 in the staff of 一鬼のこ (Sleeping beauty, Kunkun, MK studio). He performed in Tokyo at Ubu, Kunkun, Ichinawakai events, and in Paric PDC. Shows: https://vimeo.com/231282047 https://vimeo.com/231282121 Fetlife: https://fetlife.com/users/1220229 Twitter: https://twitter.com/Akubimaruko DESCRIPTION OF THE CONTENT : Rope handling to facilitate communication and connection, centered about sensuality, sexuality and pleasure. How to speed up when tying (so there's more time to play). ( Aku aku will also attend the Juju rope salon on sunday, hoping to know more local friends and get to know the scene. event page: https://www.facebook.com/events/2010090899250080 )



(Saturday) 14:00:s - 17:30:s


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