神凪流責繩基礎工作坊 The foundations of Kanna-ryū Semenawa

18mar19:30:s23:00:s神凪流責繩基礎工作坊 The foundations of Kanna-ryū Semenawa台北 - 貓樓上

Event Details


This class is an introduction to the foundations of Kanna-ryū, the Japanese rope bondage style of Akechi Kanna (明智 神凪). Kanna is a leading Japanese rope artist. As a successor of Akechi Denki (明智伝鬼), they have developed a semenawa style (tormenting ropes) which draws inspiration from Hojojutsu. Kanna’s style is restrictive, includes complete control of the body and often plays with the breath. Kanna and their partner Kagura declare: “We believe that rope has no gender or borders, and rope should be for everyone, and could be fun for both the rigger and the model.”


As one of the principles of Kanna-ryū is adapting to anybody, alternatives and extra options will be provided if necessary. Please note that the ties could include elements such as choking, neck rope, crotch rope and some level of objectification.


This class will be given by Mango (he/him)(). He is originally from Europe and currently resides in Ottawa (Canada). Starting his rope journey in 2015 as a rigger, he enjoys challenging and tormenting ropes, the art of semenawa. His main interest lies in simple ties and in the classics of kinbaku. He equally enjoys exploring floorwork and suspensions as they allow a vast array of play possibilities. In 2022, Akechi Kanna, one of Japan’s leading and most influential rope artists and teachers, named him an official instructor of her style. He has performed and shared his knowledge about rope in half a dozen countries across the world and closer to home.

– 只限8組學員 / 8 pairs top, limited seats
– 你將會需要7~8條繩子,每條約7~8米長;最好能是天然纖維繩。You will need 7 to 8 ropes of about 7/8 meters long, preferably natural fiber ropes.

2800NT/組 (繩手 繩模) per pair (rigger model)

Transfer to secure your spot.
(一組只要填寫一份報表名即可 Just one registration per pair)

More details and sign up directly through the link below.

這次活動地址非原貓樓上地點。請注意確認信中的地址。This event is not held at regular Cats Downstairs’ venue. Please be aware of the address in the confirmation email.




(Monday) 19:30:s - 23:00:s


