
30apr18:30:s22:00:s貓樓上。繩語沙龍台北 - 貓樓上。繩語沙龍

Event Details

For English description please see below-

因應 COVID-19(嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎)之防疫 😷參加者必須需填寫 報名表 暨COVID-19調查表,方便管控入場
⚠️⚠️⚠️ 由於新型冠狀病毒防疫考量,**未報名者禁止入場 **⚠️⚠️⚠️
㉄ 有任何需求想法歡迎您告知工作人員,我們樂於提供協助,也鼓勵您多與其他同好交流認識新朋友,大家都很樂於交流各種圈內資訊!如果你只想靜靜地觀看也完全可以喔 🙂
臺北市萬華區近萬大路, 報名成功後地址由E-mail寄送
📝 請參與者注意以下幾點
⚠️⚠️⚠️ 由於防疫考量,未報名者禁止入場,報名成功也請留意粉專公告最新異動:https://www.facebook.com/catsdownstairstaipei/
To attend the event, everyone has to register for oneself. We will send you a notification per email if your registration is successful.
😷 Due to COVID-19 and following CDC’s orders, we require you to fill in this form for attending any of the events.
⚠️⚠️⚠️ Due to the outbreak, only participants who have registered can attend the event. ⚠️⚠️⚠️
If your registration is successful, please still follow our Facebook fan page for event updates (in case there’s any urgent announcement to be made, such as cancelation of the event) https://www.facebook.com/catsdownstairstaipei/
㉄ Please don’t hesitate to ask questions or talk to the hosts; we’re more than happy to answer any of your questions! Also, we encourage you to reach out and make new friends; it’s good that we can share different thoughts and may inspire new sparkles! But it’s totally ok if you wanna stay quiet and watch 🙂
Cats Downstairs Rope Salon is an event where local rope enthusiasts gather, hangout, and practice. The venue is located in the basement in Wanhua district. We are open to people of all genders and sexualities. No matter how you identify yourself, you can speak and present yourself freely and safely here, on the ground that you provide equal respect to all other participants. We INSIST that every participant must respect other participants’ boundaries, and informed consent must be obtained before any activities commence.
The venue provides a variety of suspension equipment, including suspension points, straps, carabiners, mats, and bamboos. We have a very cool playlist to contribute to your awesome rope session. We have also prepared some tea and snacks for you to enjoy the music with. You are welcome to bring your favorite Sunday treats too. We encourage everyone to bring their own ropes, but if you don’t have any, we have some stock available for you as well, but they may be occupied if we’re crowded.
Near Wanda Road, Wanhua District, Taipei City. The location will be sent per email if your registration is successful.
🚪Doors Open
There are no certain hours for entering but we hope you could show up around the first hour so we don’t need to rush up and down for the door all the time.
Session is from 18.30 to 22.00; we’d kindly ask you to start sorting your belongings around 21:45.
Cash only.
Regular: NT$250
Students: NT$200 with valid student ID
📝Friendly Heads-up
Respect others’ body limits and consent.
Mind your own status and limits. Safety first.
Organizers do not arrange any lessons, however, some chitchat about shibari/ rope bondage is for sure 🙂
This is a free practice space. You have to be responsible for your own acts, and your OWN SAFETY. We DO NOT take responsibility for any incidents/accidents caused by yourself.
If we notice something that concerns us about your safety or the safety of others, we will gently let you know and might ask you to adjust your behavior.
If your behavior is considered assaulting or disturbing for others, we’ll ask you to leave after notice is not taken.
The action area is for rope/shibari practices and we’d like to keep it quiet. Please mind your surroundings and do not bother people in practice. We have a chatting area for you to talk and relax freely.
We respect everyone’s privacy, so you should too. If needed, please only take pictures of your own ropework and exclude others unless they agree to participate.
⚠️ Due to the outbreak, only participants who have registered can attend the event. If your registration is successful, please still follow our Facebook fan page for event updates (in case there’s any urgent announcement to be made, such as cancelation of the event) https://www.facebook.com/catsdownstairstaipei/



(Saturday) 18:30:s - 22:00:s