貓樓上 3.0 開幕【午場-空間導覽】集合啦!貓樓繩友會
14apr14:00:s18:00:s貓樓上 3.0 開幕【午場-空間導覽】集合啦!貓樓繩友會台北-貓樓上
Event Details
For English content please scroll down. 本活動為貓樓上.繩語沙龍的開幕餐會。貓樓上.繩語沙龍始於2018年,成立以來,一直都是專門提供繩縛練習的空間。2021年起,我們陸續更換場地,由西門搬遷至萬華。今年,熬過籌備期間的努力,貓樓上.繩語沙龍在捷運圓山站承租了新的工作室,希望打造一個更多元國際、更性別友善、充滿女性能量的繩縛基地。我們的新空間將會以簡約、舒適的裝潢為主,設有多組吊點。除了寬敞的室內空間以外,貓樓上.繩語沙龍也有一座戶外空間可以吹吹風、跟住在附近的貓咪玩。4/14號,我們將盛大開幕,分為【午場-空間導覽】及【晚場-公演/繩會】。 【午場-空間導覽】:為貓樓上.繩語沙龍之空間介紹。工作人員將帶領各位朋友參訪空間,解說空間各項機能及空間使用規範。【午場-空間導覽】不收費,但仍須事先填表報名,始得入場。此活動免費入場,且有餐食供應。歡迎攜帶繩子來玩。 貓樓上.繩語沙龍目前歡迎物資捐獻。捐贈時,請留意捐贈事項,事先透過貓樓上.繩語沙龍的社群提供閒置設備的資訊。工作人員會與您接洽,評估閒置設備的功能、品項、是否適合新沙龍裝潢調性等等。無法利用的物資,儘管遺憾,但我們將不採納,且無法協助貓友另行丟棄或處份。 Cats Downstairs Crossing 4/14: [Afternoon – Site Tour] This event is the grand opening ceremony of Cats Downstairs Rope Salon. Our organization was founded in 2018
Event Details
For English content please scroll down.
Cats Downstairs Crossing 4/14: [Afternoon – Site Tour]
This event is the grand opening ceremony of Cats Downstairs Rope Salon. Our organization was founded in 2018 and has always been a space dedicated to practicing Shibari. The salon has gone through changes since 2021, moving from Ximen to Wanhua. This year, after a lot of planning, development and preparation, Catdownstairs is moving to a new studio near the MRT-Yuan Shan Station to create a multicultural, gender-friendly and feminine-centered rope studio. The new studio will be decorated in a simple yet cozy style, with many suspension points. Besides the large indoor space, Cat Downstairs is also equipped with a spacious rooftop where you can feel the breeze or play with cats living nearby. The Grand Opening Ceremony will have 2 parts, the [Afternoon – Site Tour] and the [Night – Performance / Rope Jam] session.
[Afternoon – Site Tour]
This event will include a tour of the new studio. Cat Downstairs staff will lead the participants through a simple tour to give the guests a look at the space and explain the parts of the studio and house regulations. The afternoon session is free and the participants won’t need to pay to enter. You’re welcome to bring your own ropes 😉 However, the performance in the upcoming session is a PAID session, and participants who wish to stay for the performance need to pay prior to the performance or at door. Otherwise, the participants who are not paying to see the performance will need to leave the premises at 18:00.
Catdownstairs currently welcomes donations. However, Cat Downstairs will need to review the items and conditions before integrating the donation into the studio.
If you would like to sign up using English, follow this link. https://www.catsdownstairs.com/event-details/414-opening-afternoon-en
(Sunday) 14:00:s - 18:00:s