自縛繩縛沙龍 Open-Practice Salon for Self-tying
24mar16:00:s18:00:s自縛繩縛沙龍 Open-Practice Salon for Self-tying台北- 貓樓上
Event Details
Event Details [TSC Open Practice Salon] We are having an open practice salon. It’s for people who want to come practice what they’ve learnt during our workshops, or experiment new things
Event Details
Event Details
[TSC Open Practice Salon]
We are having an open practice salon. It’s for people who want to come practice what they’ve learnt during our workshops, or experiment new things in a controlled environment. The salon is open for anyone who is interested in self-suspension/selftie.
[What We Offer]
– We have suspension points, ropes, carabiners and mirrors.
– Noir Fix and Yisi will be there the entire time to ensure the safety of everyone. You can ask them to spot you if needed. If you have any questions or need any advice, feel free to ask them.
– Rope provision: We will provide ropes during the salon. However, if you have your own ropes that are suitable for self-tying/self-suspension, you are welcome to bring them along.
3/24, 4-6pm.
200ntd for TSC self-suspension workshop students.
400ntd for Regular Entry.
* For people who want to meet people and tie each other, please sign up for the Cats Downstairs Rope Salon (CDRS), 6:30-10pm, same day Sunday 24th. If you attend TSC salons, you get 50NT discount for the CDRS event within the same month (plz kindly remind us).
Registration by DM only; just send us your name and email.
You can also DM us if you have any questions.
【TSC 自縛吊練習沙龍】
– 我們提供懸掛點、麻繩、扣環和鏡子。
– Yisi 與 Noir Fix 會全程看顧大家的安全。如果需要,您可以請他們協助您。如果你有任何疑問都不要遲疑、問就對了!
– 繩子使用:我們會提供工作坊使用的麻繩。然而,你若有自己的適合自縛的繩子,也歡迎你攜帶參與。
*對於那些想要認識新朋友並互相實踐繩縛的人,請報名參加同一天週日24日晚上6:30至10點舉行的 [貓樓上。繩語沙龍] Cats Downstairs Rope Salon(CDRS)。如果您參加TSC的沙龍,您可以在同一月份內的 [貓樓上] 活動中獲得新台幣50元的折扣 (煩請主動告知)。
(Sunday) 16:00:s - 18:00:s