貓樓上。繩語沙龍 Cats Downstairs Rope Salon
24mar18:30:s21:30:s貓樓上。繩語沙龍 Cats Downstairs Rope Salon台北萬華 - 貓樓上。繩語沙龍
Event Details
* The main content of this form is written in Chinese. For English description, see below. ⚠️ 請仔細閱讀全文。不同意以下理念者,本沙龍謝絕到訪 ⚠️ 這是一群繩縛愛好者的週末練習空間,位於台北萬華區的角落,是一個性別友善、多元包容的活動,不論你的認同是什麼,在這裏都可以自由和安全的表達,當然,也請你給予其他參加者對等的尊重。我們堅持,任何在本場地發生的互動,皆需秉持尊重他人,知情同意的原則。 場地提供各式懸吊設備,含吊環、竹竿等。我們也準備了一些茶點、飲料,跟很酷的繩縛音樂清單。此外,也歡迎大家攜帶食物來分享。我們鼓勵大家攜帶自己的繩子,如果你還沒有自己的繩子,我們有一些公用繩子可以提供借用,但公用繩子數量有限,參加者眾多時可能需與其他人共用。 歡迎沒有經驗的人,有興趣的話會提供簡單的引導,想靜靜地觀看或是來交朋友的也可以喔! 🎟 費用:現場付現 / 亦可匯款轉帳 活動一週 前 報名:早鳥300元,學生證現場出示不再優惠 活動一週 內 報名:一般400元,學生證現場出示,再優惠100元 雙人報名 (皆須填寫表單) 一起入場700元 N日活動,[N-6]日開始算一般票
Event Details
* The main content of this form is written in Chinese. For English description, see below.
⚠️ 請仔細閱讀全文。不同意以下理念者,本沙龍謝絕到訪 ⚠️
🎟 費用:現場付現 / 亦可匯款轉帳
活動一週 前 報名:早鳥300元,學生證現場出示不再優惠
活動一週 內 報名:一般400元,學生證現場出示,再優惠100元
雙人報名 (皆須填寫表單) 一起入場700元
#範例: 8/19六當晚活動
🗓 時間:
每月舉辦1-3次,請參考社群頁面或行事曆上更多資訊 (表單最後會再呈現一次)。
🌐 地點:
臺北市萬華區近萬大路, 報名成功後地址由E-mail寄送
👁🗨 請參與者注意以下幾點:
· 尊重他人身體界限與意願
· 注意自己的狀況,安全第一
· 若我們注意到可能有安全疑慮的行為,將主動提醒參與者稍作調整。
· 繩縛是需要專注進行的活動,周遭有人綁縛時,請保持安靜。
· 除非徵得所有入鏡者同意,否則不得攝影。
· 飲食請在飲食區,飲料不要放地上,保持活動區潔淨。
· 活動期間可自由離場,但希望您準時出席。
· 損害場地行為將依價求償。滴蠟請使用保潔墊。其他請好好丟垃圾桶或回收區。
Cats Downstairs Rope Salon is an event where local rope enthusiasts gather, hangout, and practice. The venue is located at the basement in the Wanhua district. We are open to people of all genders and sexuality. No matter how you identify yourself, you can speak and present yourself freely and safely here, on the ground that you provide equal respect to all other participants. We INSIST that every participant must respect other participant’s boundaries, and informed consent must be obtained before any activities commence.
The venue provides a variety of suspension equipment, including suspension points, straps, carabiners, mats, and bamboos. We have a very cool playlist to contribute to your awesome rope session. We have also prepared some tea and snacks for you to enjoy the music with. You are welcome to bring your favorite Sunday treats too. We encourage everyone to bring their own ropes, but if you don’t have any, we have some stock available for you as well, but they may be occupied if we’re crowded.
Rope lovers of all levels are welcomed since the event do NOT require prior experience or exposure. We are more than happy to share some brief history and knowledge of rope bondage with you. You can also just hangout and observe, make new friends with the kinksters 🙂
🎟 Entrance fee
Cash at door, or bank/wire transfer.
Early bird: 300 NT- sign up a week before; no further discount.
Regular: 400 NT- sign up within a week; 100 NT off on a valid student ID.
Double entries (both needs to fill out this registration): 700 NT
Event on date N, from [N-1] signing up you’re paying regular price.
Ex.: 8/19 Saturday night rope salon-
Sign up on 8/12 at 11pm: Early bird.
Sign up on 8/13 at 1am: Regular.
If you had a record of no-show, we will send you a transfer request to book your slot.
Upon booking there’s no refund if you don’t show up.
🗓 Date & Time
We typically hold 1-3 events per month.
See our social accounts and calendar for the latest event dates.
(Links will be shown again at the end of this registration)
🌐 Location
Near Wanda Road, Wanhua District, Taipei City. The location will be sent per email if your registration is successful.
👁🗨 Friendly Heads-up
– Respect the personal boundaries of every participants. Informed consent must be obtained before any activities commence.
– Safety is the first priority. And while we strife to make sure that every shibari sessions happened in our salon are safe, your safety and boundaries are your own responsibility.
– If we notice something that concerns us about your safety or the safety of others, we will gently let you know and might ask you to adjust your behavior.
– Shibari requires a strong level of concentration. Keep your voice down when people around you are tying.
– Photography is prohibited unless explicit consent is granted by all relevant parties involved.
– Stay in the snacking area for food or beverages, do not leave drinks on the floor, keep the action area clean.
– It’s advisable to arrive at the event on-time. You may leave and return to the venue at will during the event time.
– Compensation shall be claimed if your action caused any damage caused to any equipment / items available. When doing wax-play, place a waterproof protector sheet under your partner. Put the trash in the trashcan or the recycle bin.:
⚠️ 若未收到報名成功通知信者,將謝絕入場,請勿自行前往。若針對名額及e-mail寄發有疑問者,請透過社群媒體詢問或來信 [email protected],我們會儘快回答。
🚫 報名額滿即會關閉表單不再接受報名,敬請見諒
Please follow our socials and stay tuned!
查看貓樓公開行事曆 Our open calendar (to view)
查看貓樓大門 Our Linktree
⚠️ You will not be allowed to enter if you cannot present the confirmation letter. Do NOT come to the salon unless you received the confirmation letter. Should you have any questions regarding your attendance status, please message us through social media or email us at [email protected] Answers will be provided as soon as possible.
🚫 We have limited capacity for the attendees. This registration form will be closed once the registration reached its limits, thank you for your understanding.
#### 沒有教學 / 自由練繩
(Sunday) 18:30:s - 21:30:s