禁羈無涯:《JackWhipper and Meg》進階課 II -- 刀子、鞭子、與各種武器
09dec09:00:s16:00:s禁羈無涯:《JackWhipper and Meg》進階課 II -- 刀子、鞭子、與各種武器台北 - 縛.生
Event Details
English Info. Below 2018年底,縛生很高興邀請 Jack 與 Meg 來到 #禁羈無涯 系列!跨越兩週末,帶來 #表演、#團體工作坊,還能預約 #私人課程 或 #私人體驗個案,無論是想來觀賞、學習、或是親身體驗被綁,都歡迎共襄盛舉! Jack 來自英國,身兼劇場懸吊換景師、物理治療師的他,認為自己超過十年經驗的繩縛手法,啟發於他對綜合格鬥的畢生追求。奠基於對人體的深厚瞭解,他發展出自己獨特的、單條繩子的補繩風格。搭擋夥伴 Meg 則是經過訓練的專業身體表演者。她專精於人體的力量、柔軟度,以及對於自身穩定、呼吸、疼痛的覺察/處理的技巧。他們2015年在倫敦 London Festival of Rope Art 第一次合作演出。目前搭擋在世界各國一起教學與表演。 他們的繩縛表演注重即興與互動,在上場前只簡單設定大致的流程,細節則與伴侶現場發揮。每個表情、聲音都是真實的情感流露,建立在深厚的信任與理解上。擅長舞台表演的 Jack 一上場便充滿張力,每個動作都可傳達出意圖,屢屢帶給觀眾驚奇。教學方面,他也擅於將他對身體的理解以及對情緒的掌握融入課程中。 ✨ ———————– 詳細資訊請見: 禁羈無涯:邀訪系列【JackWhipper and
Event Details
English Info. Below
2018年底,縛生很高興邀請 Jack 與 Meg 來到 #禁羈無涯 系列!跨越兩週末,帶來 #表演、#團體工作坊,還能預約 #私人課程 或 #私人體驗個案,無論是想來觀賞、學習、或是親身體驗被綁,都歡迎共襄盛舉!
Jack 來自英國,身兼劇場懸吊換景師、物理治療師的他,認為自己超過十年經驗的繩縛手法,啟發於他對綜合格鬥的畢生追求。奠基於對人體的深厚瞭解,他發展出自己獨特的、單條繩子的補繩風格。搭擋夥伴 Meg 則是經過訓練的專業身體表演者。她專精於人體的力量、柔軟度,以及對於自身穩定、呼吸、疼痛的覺察/處理的技巧。他們2015年在倫敦 London Festival of Rope Art 第一次合作演出。目前搭擋在世界各國一起教學與表演。
他們的繩縛表演注重即興與互動,在上場前只簡單設定大致的流程,細節則與伴侶現場發揮。每個表情、聲音都是真實的情感流露,建立在深厚的信任與理解上。擅長舞台表演的 Jack 一上場便充滿張力,每個動作都可傳達出意圖,屢屢帶給觀眾驚奇。教學方面,他也擅於將他對身體的理解以及對情緒的掌握融入課程中。
::: 12/01 週六 :::
13:00 – 14:00 《緊縛愉虐表演》
::: 12/02 週日 :::
14:00 – 17:00《初級課 — 執繩手感的流動》
::: 週間 :::
::: 12/08 週六 :::
09:00 – 16:00《進階課 I — 碰觸觀察與單繩擒拿》
::: 12/09 週日 :::
09:00 – 16:00《進階課 II — 刀子、鞭子、與各種武器》
We are happy to announce that Jack Whipper and Meg will be invited to the Kink Beyond Borders International Presenters Series of Shibaru.Life! In their two weeks in Taiwan they will give workshops and performances, as well as private lesson and sessions. Whether you want to watch, learn, or experience, there will be something for you!
Jack found his way into rope via his life long pursuit of mixed martial arts and has been tying for 10 years now. Grounded strongly in his physical understanding of the human body through martial arts and medical study, he has developed a unique style of hojojutsu based single rope control.Meg is a trained physical performer with expertise in body strength and flexibility as well as breathing, grounding and pain management techniques.They first performed together at the London Festival of Rope Art ’15 and enjoy teaching and performing all over the country and abroad.
Their performances are often about spontaneity and connection. They would go to the stage with only an outline planned, and leave the rest to improvisation. Every smile or moan are from their true heart, built on deep trust and understanding. On stage, Jack is full of energy, with every movement conveying an intention. There is always something to surprise the audience. In teaching, he is good at combining his understanding of body and emotion with kinky practice.
For details of the events:
::: 12/01 Sat. :::
13:00 – 14:00 《Performance》
::: 12/02 Sun. :::
14:00 – 17:00《Beginner’s — Flow – Tying and Untying》
::: Weekdays :::
Private lessons and sessions are available.
::: 12/08 Sat. :::
09:00 – 16:00《Intermediate I — Palpation & Take-Down and Torture》
::: 12/09 Sun. :::
09:00 – 16:00《Intermediate II — Rope, Whips and Knives》
(Sunday) 09:00:s - 16:00:s