TSC- 縛。式,繪 Figure Drawing: Shibari Obsession

15oct13:40:s15:40:sTSC- 縛。式,繪 Figure Drawing: Shibari Obsession貓樓上支部 - The Suspended Canvas 空中畫布

Event Details

Join us for a cozy 2-hour life drawing session! Our model will be Yisi, and she will be tied by Ami to create intriguing shapes with her body, giving you a wonderful subject to capture on paper. The price is 500 ntd.

加入我們,一起來個輕鬆的兩小時寫生課! 此課程的繩模是Yisi,將由Ami進行繩縛,與她的身體創造有趣的形狀,從而提供了一個難得的繪畫主體。 價格為500 NTD。

🖋️ Register: Learn More Link *below 報名請點下方LearnMore連結

📆 📍 Time & Location 時間與地點
Oct 15, 1:40 PM – 3:40 PM / Address details sent after registration, Wanhua District, Taipei City, Taiwan 108
10月15日下午 1:40 PM – 3:40 PM / 台北萬華 >>> 詳細地址會在報名成功後由電子郵件寄出。

⏳️ Please remember to arrive 5-10 min early, thank you! 請提前5-10分鐘到達,謝謝!

About the Event 關於活動

🖌️ All Skill Levels Welcome: Whether you’re an experienced artist or just starting, this session is open to everyone. It’s a wonderful opportunity to try something new or refine your skills in a comfortable setting.

🖌️ 歡迎各種程度:無論你是資深藝術家還是初學者,本課程對所有人開放。這是一個嘗試新事物或在舒適環境中提升技巧的絕佳機會。

🎨 Please bring your own art supplies, including sketchbooks, pencils, charcoals, and any other mediums you prefer. There are chairs and stools available on site, and you’ll find a 360-degree seating arrangement around the model, giving you the flexibility to choose your angle during the session. While you’re welcome to move to find the perfect view, please be considerate of fellow artists and avoid blocking their view.

🎨 請攜帶自己的繪畫工具,包括素描本、鉛筆、炭筆和其他你偏好的媒材。現場提供椅子和凳子,模特兒周圍設有360度的座位,讓你在課程期間可以彈性選擇角度。雖然你可以移動以找到最佳視角,但請考慮其他藝術家的感受,避免阻礙他們的視線。

🏥 Rest assured, the model’s safety is a top priority. It’s important to note that the presence of red marks on the skin from the ropes is a natural occurrence. Additionally, the tension of the ropes may lead to a slight restriction in blood circulation, resulting in a temporary discoloration, often seen as a subtle purple hue on her legs, feet, or arms. No photo/video allowed.

🏥 請放心,模特兒的安全是我們的首要任務。值得注意的是,皮膚上的紅印是繩子自然形成的。此外,繩子的張力可能會導致血液循環輕微受限,致使暫時的變色,通常在她的腿部、腳部或手臂上呈現出細微的紫色調。請勿拍照/錄影。



(Sunday) 13:40:s - 15:40:s


