Avalon繩縛工作坊 - Rope workshop 07/7&8
07jul(jul 7)10:00:s08(jul 8)19:00:sAvalon繩縛工作坊 - Rope workshop 07/7&8台北 - Juju
Event Details
[ENGLISH BELOW] 很高興邀請到來自墨爾本的繩師、表演者 Avalon! We are very glad to welcome the rope artist and performer Avalon from Melbourne for a serie of workshops and a performance. 團體課 日期 (表演 07/06週五-20:00在草御殿 Ivy Palace)
Event Details
很高興邀請到來自墨爾本的繩師、表演者 Avalon!
We are very glad to welcome the rope artist and performer Avalon from Melbourne for a serie of workshops and a performance.
(表演 07/06週五-20:00在草御殿 Ivy Palace)
::: 07/07 週六 :::10:00 – 15:00 初級/中級班
::: 07/08 週日 :::11:00 – 17:00 中級
* 費用: 一天 NTD 2000 每對學員(兩人)
欲註冊請 email 至 [email protected]. 確認信中將詳述註冊程序與活動地址。
義大利/澳洲繩師 Avalon 以其感性與細心的繩縛著名。他已參與 BDSM 活動 20 餘年,自從 80 年代在巴黎看過一場繩縛表演後,就被日式繩縛內在的美感吸引著。
為精進繩縛技巧與知識,他固定造訪日本。他是長田 Steve 以及已故的雪村春樹的學生,也和包括一鬼の子、神凪、喜多川、風見嵐喜、紫護繩Bingo,Satomi Zpira, 與蓬莱 Kasumi 等眾多日本繩師學習過。
被雪村風格「寢技」的感性與藝術性吸引,Avalon 發展出了自己的獨特風格。他的寢技流暢並洋溢著情感,將受縛者引誘入禁忌的世界。他的風格忠於日式繩縛,因此關於心理、邊緣、與兩難的技法是其繩縛過程的關鍵元素。
Avalon 在澳洲與義大利的日本繩縛社群中都相當活躍。他是墨爾本 Avalon’s Rope Dojo 的指導者,在許多國際繩縛活動中表演過,並在雪梨、墨爾本、布里斯本、阿德萊德、達爾文,以及紐西蘭、義大利、法國、瑞士、與英國固定地教繩課。除了給初級與中級者的固定繩課,他也為高程度的學生開授一對一課程。他的作品集可在其個人網頁、臉書頁、或其 Fetlife 頁面看到。
個人網頁: http://123avalon.tumblr.com
臉書: https://www.facebook.com/123avalon
Fetlife: https://fetlife.com/users/294780
Avalon 的繩縛有兩極的風格。其中一端注重深度連結並探索各種感官層面,也可說是雪村春樹的風格。另一端是較嚴峻的、藉由擠壓、兩難、適度的身體與心理壓力達到的「責繩」。這種繩縛的難度可視受縛者調整,可說是喜多川老師的風格。這包含心理層面的操作,也是 Avalon 特別擅長的。
(Avalon 也將參加週六的縛宵,與週日的 Juju 繩縛沙龍,希望認識更多本地的朋友。)
Avalon 也將開授私人課程:
* 費用: 每小時 NTD 2000
* 預約: 請傳訊給 “Juju kinky and rope events” 粉絲頁,或 email 至 [email protected]
費用: NTD 800, 現場付費
::: 07/07 週六 ::: 10:00 – 15:00
::: 07/08 週日 ::: 11:00 – 17:00
FEES: 2000 NTD per day (the price is by couple). Seats limited to 10 couples
Please send an email to [email protected] to register. A confirmation will be send with the procedure for the payment and the address.
You need to come by pair
Intermediate-advanced :
On the tight and Dark side
There is much tough play, much of this is achieved through impact or pain, in this workshop we will be looking at stress and resistance instilled by compression and contortion. �Its a delicate but very effective form of “semenawa” used by great japanese Bakushis such as Kitagawa(北川).�Very subtle, precise and effective to gently push ones partner slowly close to their limit, a beautiful form of “mind fucking”.
Bag of tricks
Another topic that Avalon covers in his workshops is called the “bag of tricks”, to explain better, once a rigger’s skill set reaches a certain level, what a rigger gets from workshops and classes is not so much entire ties but rather a number of little tricks that will improve one’s rope, safety, flow, accuracy, efficiency and a rigging style. In his workshops Avalon shares the tricks he has picked up from his encounters with other riggers in Japan and elsewhere.
Avalon’s classes usually start with a demonstration of a tie, then going through it repeating it together followed then by a practice session on that tie, this usually requires a two hour block and after a break he will move to another tie, this keeps the workshops interesting, fun and varied with the necessary breaks for the models and riggers to have a rest between ties.
Required skill set & equipment
In order to work out a workshop it is important to measure the participants skill sets.
The following is only as a skill set guide, it’s not a class schedule:
“Dark side” & “bag of tricks” workshops are for intermediate and advanced only.
Knows how to tie a 3 ropes TK, a waist harness, a futomomo, is starting semi-suspensions, and understands connection and rope flow.
Knows how to tie more complex ties such as a body hishi and a teppo, is doing suspensions, transitions and more complex ties such as ( non impact ) semenawa and predicament tying.
Avalon usually restricts the numbers to his workshops, so that he gets a chance to spend some quality time with each rigger he does this to gauge the classes skill set and fine tune the teachings accordingly.
The “Dark side” & “Bag of tricks” workshops, will require at least 8 lengths of rope, ideally of 6mm jute and of 8m each in length.
A comfort blanket for post rope is also highly recommended (we can provide some at the workshop in the limit of the available stock)
Beginners and intermediate :
The freedom to surrender
“The art of communication through rope is something that is not taught often, yet it is the fundamental element of rope, if there is no connection between the rigger and his model the rigger has failed, this skill can be explained and shown, it needs to be learned in order to truly understand the power of rope. ” Yukimura Haruki , Gran Master & Sensei.
One of the beautiful aspects of Japanese bondage is the trust building element that allows a partner to fully enjoy the peace and space that occurs when they “let go” entirely, to allow their partner to take control and take them through a “ journey “.
This is only achieved through a deep and connective path where the dominating partner takes full control and with awareness, guides his partner, this is not achieved through any form of violence, but with immense grace and love.
Avalon’s classes usually start with a demonstration of a tie, then going through it repeating it together followed then by a practice session on that tie, this usually requires a two hour block and after a break he will move to another tie, this keeps the workshops interesting, fun and varied with the necessary breaks for the models and riggers to have a rest between ties.
Skill sets :
The following is only as a skill set guide, it’s not a class schedule:
“The Freedom of Surrender” workshops can be attended by beginner to advanced, the “Dark side” & “bag of tricks” workshops are for intermediate and advanced only.
Required skill set & equipment
“The Freedom of Surrender” workshops can be attended by beginner to advanced,
“Freedom” workshops, will only require 5 lengths of rope, ideally of 6mm jute and of 8mt each in length.
A blindfold is also required.
Avalon usually restricts the numbers to his workshops, so that he gets a chance to spend some quality time with each rigger he does this to gauge the classes skill set and fine tune the teachings accordingly.
Avalon is an Italian-Australian rigger known for his sensual and attentive bondage. He has been involved in BDSM for over 20 years and has been fascinated by the intrinsic beauty of Japanese Rope Bondage since seeing a Japanese bondage show in Paris in the late 80′s.
In his pursuit to improve his skills and knowledge in Japanese Rope Bondage he regularly travels to Japan to study, he is a student of Osada Steve and the late Yukimura Haruki; he has also received tutelage from other renowned Japanese Nawashi, such as Hajime Kinoko, Nawashi Kanna, Kitagawa, Satomi Zpira, Kazami Ranki, Bingo and the gorgeous Hourai Kasumi.
Seduced by the sensual skill and artistic expression of Newaza Shibari (Yukimura style floorwork) Avalon has developed his own distinctive style, his floor-work is fluid and sensory, relying on triggers and sensitivities of his model to lull them into a forbidden world. His style keeps faith to traditional Japanese bondage where mind, edge and predicament play are key factors of the tying process.
Avalon is active within the Australian and Italian Japanese Rope Bondage Community, he is the head instructor at the Avalon’s Rope Dojo in Melbourne , he has performed in numerous international rope events and regularly conducts Japanese rope workshops in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide, Darwin and overseas in New Zealand, Italy, France, Switzerland and the UK.
Avalon regularly holds workshops, for beginners and intermediate riggers he also holds “one on one” tuition for advanced students, from his Dojo in Melbourne
A portfolio of his work can be seen here : http://123avalon.tumblr.com ,
on his Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/123avalon or on his Fetlife profile, here: https://fetlife.com/users/294780
Avalon’s rope has two extreme styles, on one end it is geared towards deep connection with one’s partner and exploring all sensory aspects of sensual tying, Haruki Yukimura style if you like, at the other end of the scale, it is a harder styled rope, that he defines, non impact ” semenawa”, this is achieved with constriction, predicament, with a good dose of physical and psychological stress, it can be very trying and this style of rope can be very hard or not so extreme, the levels are actually measured to the person being tied, Kitagawa sensei style. It includes a little mind fucking, which is something that Avalon is particularly good at, with his partners …!
( Avalon will also attend the shibari vesper on saturday and Juju rope salon on sunday, hoping to know more local friends and get to know the scene )
Private lessons are also available.
Fee:2000/ per hour
Booking:Please message Juju kinky and rope events 禁羈與繩縛活動 or email [email protected]
Please see the page of the performance -> (coming soon)
DATE : 07/08 週五 starts at 20:00
PLACE: Ivy palace
FEE: NTD 800 at the door
Huge thanks to Shin Nawakiri for the chinese translation
7 (Saturday) 10:00:s - 8 (Sunday) 19:00:s