《飛客日》Freak Day
11nov15:00:s18:00:s《飛客日》Freak Day台北 - Commander D
Event Details
你眼裡的奇怪,在我看來都是可愛!男男女女跨性別,各位與眾不同,難以被歸類的的「飛客 freak」們。 每月第二個禮拜六 15:00~18:00來飛客日 freak out 一下吧! 「飛客日」為在 Commander D 舉辦的 BDSM 玩樂派對,希望提供 BDSM 同好一個實體交友/安全交流的空間。歡迎各種性向、認同的禁羈人!現場備有懸吊點與拘束架等設施。在這裡可聊天、放鬆、認識同伴,以及見識、體驗! 場地:Commander D, 位於西門町,為台北第一家 SM 主題夜店。 日期:每月第二個週六。 時間:下午 3pm – 6pm. 地址:台北市開封街二段36號B1 http://goo.gl/maps/D7ct 費用:NTD 200, 含第一杯飲料。 服裝:不拘,但歡迎扮裝前來! 注意事項 所有實踐活動需嚴格在主動同意之前提下進行。感覺受冒犯、騷擾的顧客可現場、立刻向店員反應。 本店若認定現場有危險的調教或不適當的互動行為,將介入要求停止,甚或要求當事人離場。 全程活動禁止拍照錄影,包括使用手機拍照。需接聽電話者請移動至樓梯間。 碰觸他人之道具、書籍、或其他物品前需經物主同意。當然,碰人之前也需要同意! 請注意自身身體與財物安全。 詳情-https://www.facebook.com/commander.tw/ The “Freak Day” is a
Event Details
你眼裡的奇怪,在我看來都是可愛!男男女女跨性別,各位與眾不同,難以被歸類的的「飛客 freak」們。
每月第二個禮拜六 15:00~18:00來飛客日 freak out 一下吧!
「飛客日」為在 Commander D 舉辦的 BDSM 玩樂派對,希望提供 BDSM 同好一個實體交友/安全交流的空間。歡迎各種性向、認同的禁羈人!現場備有懸吊點與拘束架等設施。在這裡可聊天、放鬆、認識同伴,以及見識、體驗!
- 場地:Commander D, 位於西門町,為台北第一家 SM 主題夜店。
- 日期:每月第二個週六。
- 時間:下午 3pm – 6pm.
- 地址:台北市開封街二段36號B1 http://goo.gl/maps/D7ct
- 費用:NTD 200, 含第一杯飲料。
- 服裝:不拘,但歡迎扮裝前來!
- 所有實踐活動需嚴格在主動同意之前提下進行。感覺受冒犯、騷擾的顧客可現場、立刻向店員反應。
- 本店若認定現場有危險的調教或不適當的互動行為,將介入要求停止,甚或要求當事人離場。
- 全程活動禁止拍照錄影,包括使用手機拍照。需接聽電話者請移動至樓梯間。
- 碰觸他人之道具、書籍、或其他物品前需經物主同意。當然,碰人之前也需要同意!
- 請注意自身身體與財物安全。
The “Freak Day” is a light play party: people gather here to talk, drink, get to know friends — while playing happens!
Everyone has a different kink. Freak Day is the time when every kink is adorable.
The venue is fully equipped with suspension points for shibari as well as stock, cross, and furniture with restraints, where people often do some light play during the party.
People of all gender/sexuality are welcomed.
- Venue: Commander D, the first SM-themed bar in Taipei! Located in Ximen area.
Date: every second Saturday of the month. - Time: 3pm to 6pm.
- Venue: Commander D, the first SM-themed bar in Taipei! Located in Ximen area.
Location: Commander D. Address: B1, No 36, Section 2, Kaifeng St., Taipei (台北市開封街二段36號B1). See Google Map. The nearest MRT station is Ximen 西門. Note that the venue, located in a basement, does not have an obvious sign at the entrance. It is under a breakfast shop.
- Fees: NTD 200, covering the first drink.
- Registration: You may just show up and there is no need to register. However, you are encouraged to leave a comment telling people that you are coming.
- What do you do there?: Talk, chat, get to know friends, and play. The venue won’t mind if you’d like to dress up in some fetish wear, or show off some of your favourite toys.
- Usual party rules apply. See below.
Things to Note:
- All play must be strictly conducted with active consent. Participants feeling harassed are encouraged to ask for help from staffs immediately.
- The venue reserves the right to interrupt any activity deemed dangerous/inappropriate.
- Refrain from using mobile phones or other devices with a camera. If you have to answer a phone call, do so outside the gate at the entrance.
- Photography or video is prohibited.
- Ask for permission before you touch any tools, toys, books, other belongings. And of course, people!
- Fetish wear welcomed. For safety of the venue, private part flashing is not allowed, however.
Hope to meet you there soon!
(Saturday) 15:00:s - 18:00:s
Commander D台北市萬華區開封街二段36號