繩繪沙龍 shibari & drawing salon
04dec19:00:s23:00:s繩繪沙龍 shibari & drawing salon台北 - 一繩一繪
Event Details
活動名稱: 繩繪沙龍 shibari & drawing salon 活動日期: 2019/12/04 活動時間: 19:00 ~ 23:00 活動內容: # 一繩一繪是一個繩縛及速寫練習活動,歡迎各位新手老手愛好者參加 。 大家都很樂於交流各種圈內資訊!如果你只想靜靜地觀看也完全可以喔 想練繩 或是想體驗繩縛的朋友都可以過來,男女不拘。 大家可攜帶自己的繩子/速寫用具, 現場亦備有一些繩子提供使用。 想要速寫的朋友歡迎自由參加側寫 ,用具請自備。 ————————- *活動參加費* 現場付現金,單人/300元 雙人500元 ————————- *活動時間 / Time: 19:00~23:00(22:45開始收繩 ) ————————-
Event Details
活動名稱: 繩繪沙龍 shibari & drawing salon
活動日期: 2019/12/04
活動時間: 19:00 ~ 23:00
# 一繩一繪是一個繩縛及速寫練習活動,歡迎各位新手老手愛好者參加 。
想練繩 或是想體驗繩縛的朋友都可以過來,男女不拘。
想要速寫的朋友歡迎自由參加側寫 ,用具請自備。
*活動參加費* 現場付現金,單人/300元 雙人500元
*活動時間 / Time:
19:00~23:00(22:45開始收繩 )
歡迎加入 一繩一繪 粉絲頁 會有不定期的bdsm私聚活動
Studio BD / MOrE real Shadow 繩縛拘束場地出租/攝影紀錄
( 一起來的朋友請分別填單 謝謝)
表單 / Sign up form: https://forms.gle/aEHCkgjR8qWi
Welcome to Ichi-NawaIchi-Aey , an event for Shibari sketching practice.
The event welcome riggers, sketch painters, rope bunnies, or anyone
who likes to explore aspects of the art of Shibari. Here, participants
actively engage in rope-bondage, discussions, or sharing news in the
Shibari community of Taiwan. That being said, socializing is not
compulsory during the event. If you prefer less socializing, feel free
to ask for privacy and we will leave you to watch a session without
being interrupted.
We recommend bringing your own rope / sketching kit when attending the
event. However, if you forgot to bring your own rope, we had some
readily available ropes at the site as spares.
Please bring your own sketching kit . if you want to sketch.
Entrance Fee:
Entrance fee is charged by cash in NTD.
Ticket for Single Adult: NTD $300
Ticker for Two Adults: NTD $500
19:00~23:00( Clean up begins at 22:45)
Search Ichi-NawaIchi-Aey (一繩一繪) on facebook for our fanpage and join
our Line group chat. Private events will be held irregularly.
The venue is located near the Exit No.5 at Jiangzicui Metro Station.
The full address will not be disclosed due to privacy issues. Fill out
the sign up form if you are a first-time participants for the full
Sign up form: https://forms.gle/aEHCkgjR8qWi
【All participants must read and agree to the following event policies】
●Ichi-NawaIchi-Aeystrictly adheres to the principles of Safe, Sane and
Consensual on a mutually egalitarian and reciprocal basis. Mutual
consent must be granted prior to social, verbal, or physical
interactions of the involved parties. Prior to a Shibari session,
informed consent of the recipient must be granted. If you are
offended, discriminated, stalked, harassed or abused by other
participants, ask our staff and we will be there to help.
●Our staff, constituted mostly by veteran riggers / bunnies /
practitioners, actively patrols and oversees the venue during the
event. If our staff spotted dangerous actions, poor rope maneuvers,
and harm-inflicting, rude, awkward or inappropriate behaviors, our
staff reserve the right to step in and stop these activities. If the
offender continues to be offensive, the staff reserve the rights to
banish the offender from the event without refunding the entrance fee.
Repeated offenders will be put on an Unwelcomed list and prohibited to
attend future events held by our staff.
●Prior to touching other people’s belonging, including but not limited
to ropes, tools, toys, books, devices, or any other people’s
possessions, you must gain the permission from the owner.
●This studio values the participant’s FREEDOM as well as
RESPONSIBILITIES. Every effort has been made by our staff to ensure
the community to be safe, friendly, open, accepting and comfortable to
people of all sexuality and orientations. However, our staff assumes
no liability if any injuries or harm occurs, especially when the harm
is caused by your decisions and actions. You shall assume all
liabilities in relations to your actions. Tie or be tied at your own
●Photography is permitted in the venue only if you are taking photos
of your own work. Prior to taking any photos, the photographer must
the permission and consent from the person represented. DO NOT include
other people on your image while taking a photo.
●We assume you have read, understood and agreed to all of the above
rules / policies upon your signing up or participation to
Ichi-NawaIchi-Aey, our event.
活動地點: Studio BD 束室
活動網址: https://www.facebook.com/SLDTa
(Wednesday) 19:00:s - 23:00:s